lomond locations.
Beautiful landscapes with iconic architecture.

lomond locations is nestled in the scenic western scottish highlands region of argyll and bute.
the region has several national nature reserves and stunning beaches nearby and it is known as scotland's adventure coast.
The estate has both ancient and modern architecture within an undisturbed landscape.

our partners

Comenius Associates.
Comenius associates is our leading partner on education & sensory branding.
They will be developing our in-house education programmes and courses, creating brand bibles for the cafes and shops and overseeing the visitor experience.
With over 20 years of experience comenius associates is the ideal partnership for lomond locations.
Tanglewood Ventures
Tanglewood ventures specialises in the exploitation of intellectual property rights, especially in the realm of real estate.
with over 15 years of experience in developing rights for deployment within complex multi use developments. tanglewood ventures
will be our partners in business modelling and eco enterprise.